The (increased) impact of technology on IP: How will it affect YOUR career?!

Who can attend: Young Practitioners and Trademark Administrators from the Nordic and Baltic countries with no more than five years of professional experience. INTA membership is not required to participate.

Co-hosting firms: BAHR (Oslo, Norway), BRIMONDO (Göteborg, Sweden), CASTRÉN & SNELLMAN (Helsinki, Finland), DARTS-IP (Brussels, Belgium), LUNDGRENS (Hellerup, Denmark). Please RSVP via the “RSVP TODAY!” button on the INTA Calendar entry no later than Monday, October 07. In addition to this, please send an email to to let us know since when you are active in the area of IP and to provide us with two questions addressed to the participants of the round table (connected to the topic “Your career in IP law – Which things will change, and which will stay the same?”). The event is free of charge and space is limited. Please RSVP only if you are certain that you will actually be able to attend. Registration will occur on a first-come, first-served basis and will be confirmed by email.