Posts from December 16, 2019

Issue #2 2019

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Food for thought – Article from #2 2019

The purpose of the article is to assess which areas of IP law, if any, and under[…]

Unravelling the story behind the Intellectual property of Halloumi Cheese; a ‘State Affair’ for Cyprus – Article from #2 2019

This article evaluates the intellectual property (IP) protection of Halloumi Cheese, as an authentic traditional product of[…]

THE “MACEDONIAN” SAGA – Article from #2 2019

Rights about the commercial use of the name“Macedonia” have been the object of an ongoing dispute between[…]

European copyright law and the text and data mining exceptions and limitations – Article from #2 2019

The newly adopted European Union (EU) Directive on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market1[…]

The Monopoly case – EUTM re-filings and the concept of bad faith – Article from #2 2019

An European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) can be declared invalid if the applicant acted in bad faith[…]

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