Posts by stockholmiplawreview

Balancing the line of design – Article from #2 2018

Case Note A study of two recent trade mark cases and what they can tell us about[…]

The Marrakesh treaty and the approach towards social inclusion – Article from #2 2018

ABSTRACT While there have been numerous measures that have been taken by international institutions, led by the[…]

To what extent should uses of public architectural works be permitted under European copyright law? – Article from #2 2018

ABSTRACT This paper argues that the optional exception to copyright law contained in Article 5(3)(h) of Directive[…]

Issue #1 2018

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Customizing Fair Use Transplants – Article from #1 2018

ABSTRACT In the past decade, policymakers and commentatorsacross the world have called for the introduction ofcopyright reform[…]

IP Licence as an Investment – Article from #1 2018

ABSTRACT The relationship between intellectual property (IP) andinvestment is old, but the debates are new. Recent high[…]

Lacking a European Touch – Article from #1 2018

SUMMARY On March 14, 2018, the European General Court in Crocs Inc v. European Union Intellectual Property[…]

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