Posts by stockholmiplawreview

Being equitable about equivalents – Article from #1 2019

Has Lord Neuberger in Actavis introduced “an amorphous general inventive idea” test to determine UK patent infringement[…]

Second medical use claims – Article from #1 2019

ABSTRACT Second medical use patents and their claims do not only represent highly valuable inventions for both[…]

Do rules experience culture shock – Article from #1 2019

ABSTRACT In order to stimulate product development and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, the United States Congress[…]

The patentability of Dosage Regimes – Article from #1 2019

ABSTRACT Despite the therapeutical benefits of dosage regimes, being granted and securing patent protection for these types[…]

Safeguarding public health – Article from #1 2019

INTRODUCTION In a world with an estimated population of 7.6 billion, 2 billion people lack access to[…]

In Pursuit of Robinson Crusoe – Article from #1 2019

Naming pharmaceuticals is a topic that has been thoroughly investigated and buzzed around, and where the world’s[…]

The CJEU clarifies – Article from #1 2019

INTRODUCTION Where to draw the line between the protection of new innovations within the pharmaceutical area, on[…]

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